Is Hormone Treatment Therapy Good for Me- What Do Experts Suggest?

Nowadays hormone replacement therapy has become more popular among people but still, some of them believe that experts do not agree about the therapy. But this is not true anymore. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the North American Menopause Society and the Endocrine Society, menopausal women can take this therapy to get relief from various symptoms like Endocrine Society.

They also think that women must know about this therapy in detail. Today, we have discussed what it is, what it does, a few risks, types of therapy, advantages and who is the ideal person for taking this treatment and side effects.

What Is Hormone Therapy?

The hormone specialist does this therapy to boost the hormone level and maintain a balance between the hormones including estrogen and progesterone. If these hormones are not balanced, then you can experience symptoms. You have to consult your specialist before taking this therapy as to whether it is good for you or not.


  • Estrogen Therapy

  • Progestin Hormone Therapy

Does This Therapy Reduce Menopausal Symptoms?

Women who suffer from menopause can get the most benefits from this treatment. They may experience vaginal dryness during intercourse, then the expert may recommend providing a low dose of vaginal estrogen.

But she may need to take a higher dose of estrogen therapy to reduce the symptoms of hot flashes. If they have a uterus, then they need to take both estrogens along with progesterone to prevent cancer in the uterus. They may have to take this treatment for five years or less but the time may vary from person to person. Many women have no uterus because of other complications like surgery. Therefore, they can take estrogen alone.

Advantages of This Treatment

Hormone replacement therapy can reduce menopausal symptoms and also has other benefits as well. The following are:

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Hot flashes.

  • Night sweats and dry, itchy skin

  • Lower the chances of colon cancer.

  • Decreased tooth loss.

  • Improvement in joint pains.

  • Lessen the possibility of diabetes.

  • Improve mental health.

Endangers of Taking Hormone Therapy

Though this treatment helps the women to get out from the uncomfortable menopausal symptoms and maintain a healthy life there are a few probabilities that you should know. It may increase the risk of blood clots and stroke.

Having a uterus but taking progestin alone may higher the threat of endometrial cancer. It also escalates the danger of gallstone problems. Apart from that, chances of breast cancer, dementia may be jacked up.

Know Your Body

The decision of taking HT should be a personalized one. As it is not for everybody, you must consult with a hormone specialist about the risks and benefits of hormone therapy. You must take time and address all the issues to make a firm decision. If you feel scared, then drop an email at The Broadway Clinic in OKC and let us help you.

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.