Is It Necessary To Go To A Weight Loss Doctor?

Did you recently lose a lot of weight? This might be more serious than you think. The weight loss doctors in OKC pledge to provide the best suggestions for you. Read this article to figure out when you should visit them.

What's Rapid Weight Loss?

Though there is no certain definition for rapid weight loss, doctors consider more than 5% of unintentional weight loss over six to twelve months to be a serious issue. Here are a few of the possible conditions that you might be suffering from.

Gut disease

Sudden loss of weight might sometimes indicate bowel diseases. According to the doctors, bowel diseases might include external symptoms like vomiting, decreased appetite, abdominal bloating/pain, or change in bowel habits.


Depression is a very common condition found among the people of OKC. Depression, most of the time, results in a decreased appetite. A decreased appetite will naturally lead to decreased caloric intake. And with lesser calories in your body, weight loss is almost inevitable.

Muscle Wasting

Our body mass is mostly made of muscles and fat. Though most people think of the fat loss to be equivalent to weight loss. But that is not always the case. Sometimes, not using a muscle for a long time can result in the loss or wasting of muscle.


The Insulin hormone extracts glucose from blood cells to retrieve energy. But if a person has diabetes, he might have insufficient Insulin. The lack of Insulin naturally prevents the body from getting the required energy. That is why in a situation like this, the body will have to burn fat from the body to gain the required energy resulting in rapid weight loss.


Having a parasite may result in rapid weight loss. According to weight loss doctors, if you have a parasite that means the parasite is taking nutrition from the food you are eating. This will naturally leave you at a deficit of energy.

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.