Erectile Dysfunction: Tips for Sexually Frustrated Couples

When a man cannot develop and maintain a penile erection for sexual intercourse, it calls erectile dysfunction. It is one of the most common yet serious problems among men worldwide. According to the research, approx. 18 million people in the United States suffer from this sexual condition and fail to maintain a healthy sex life.

The signs of ED may develop as an individual age because of natural declines in testosterone. This hormone fluence our sex drive including other functions. Keep in mind that hormone replacement therapy does not improve ED but helps men to get an erection easily. You can consider contacting an expert to get hormone replacement treatment in OKC.

The ability to maintain an erection is mainly dependent upon sexual arousal. It is a complex procedure that involves hormones, emotions, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and the brain. Don’t forget that the brain is the biggest sex organ in our body. Therefore, our brain plays an important role to get satisfactory sexual intercourse. However, we have discussed here a few tips to prevent erectile dysfunction as much as possible.

What You Eat, You Become

Following a healthy and nutritious diet including whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish decrease the chance of suffering from ED. A report says that a Mediterranean diet does not develop erectile dysfunction. This type of diet includes various types of vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, omega-3 fatty acids, fish, and less processed and red meats. As reported, this type of diet regains approx. 40% of normal sexual function. Not only that but it also lowers the risk of blood pressure, blood sugar, cardiovascular risk factors, and cholesterol levels.

Maintain Your Weight

Being overweight is not good for anybody. It may bring various health problems including type 2 diabetes. This disease can damage the nerves throughout the body. Remember that this type of diabetes can also damage the nerve that supplies the penis and lead to erectile dysfunction.

Choose One - Heavily Drinking or Satisfied Sex Life

An individual can consume mild or moderate alcohol without damaging his sexual libido. But heavy drinking can lead to erectile dysfunction and other physical problems including nerve damage, liver damage, and lower male sex hormone levels.

ED Don’t Make You Less “Man”

Nowadays, many people suffer from ED on account of various mental disorders like depression and current lifestyle. It’s normal to have ED but we know that it can be frustrating for both the partners.

But making some changes in your lifestyle and diet can improve your condition. If you are not happy about your sexual life, contact an experienced doctor immediately. The Broadway Clinic in OKC can provide you with professional advice on this matter when you book a schedule with us.

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.